Rally The World. The Game. v1.00 APK+Data
The principles underlying the game are a combination of an innovative racing game and trading cards, the "Pacenotes". In the game, a dynamic Birdseye view of the Polo R WRC is automatically driven through the game. In the role of the co-pilot, you can influence the speed and handling of "your" Polo R WRC by the choice of specially selected trading cards. For instance, appropriate trading cards must be played at each of a series of "checkpoints" to enable the rally car to complete the course strategically and as quickly as possible and gain access to higher levels and the 13 rally nations.
Required Android:2.2 And Up
Download Links:
APk File:
Rally The World. The Game. v1.00 APk
Data Files:
Rally The World. The Game. v1.00 Data Part-1
Rally The World. The Game. v1.00 Data Part-2
Rally The World. The Game. v1.00 Data Part-3
See This POst To Improve Gaming:
1. Install the APk.
2. Place Data In SdCard/Android/obb.
3. Play The Game.
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